A legacy of caring for children,
the future of our community

Our history

Anderson County Blankets and Bears has been a beacon of hope since its inception in 2009. The organization was created with a focus on helping abused, traumatized, and sexually assaulted children. Working in partnership with official agencies, we identify and reach out to local youth in need.

We started by offering tangible symbols of love to these children in need—the blankets and stuffed bears that have come to define our brand and our mission. From there, our resources of support have grown and continue to expand.

Our mission

At Blankets and Bears, we are on a heartfelt journey to make a positive impact on the future of Anderson County. We believe that by offering solace to children suffering from abuse or facing adversity, we’re helping them heal and nurturing the leaders of tomorrow.

Some young people don’t have access to essentials of living and learning, which makes their lives difficult. For others, the effects of trauma and mistreatment are devastating. These children and teens in crisis, developing but not yet mature, can lose their ability to dream and to thrive as adults.

Blankets and Bears wants to be a guiding light of hope through simple acts of kindness and love that communicate to children how truly important they are.

Please consider donating to our cause.

Your donation can help us make a positive impact on our community. Whether it’s a one-time gift or a monthly contribution, every donation matters and makes a difference in the lives of the children and families we serve.